beginner tennis players, serve in table tennis, tactical variants, impact interactions, program of motor actionsAbstract
The article deals with theoretical and methodological aspects of the application of new knowledge about biomechanical technologies in teaching motor actions on the examples of interaction of a tennis player with the ball. The quality of training depends on the development of goals and objectives of training in the system of physical education and sports. At the moment, three areas of physical education are being considered, and each of them has its own specific goal: general training, vocationally applied sports training, and training.
The goals are achieved through the gradual solution of individual learning tasks and the learning material is mastered at the appropriate levels, which are successfully mastered in outdoor games – partially, for example, in table tennis. depends on the formula of the motor task [2-6].
For more than 40 years, table tennis has been the main and most widespread sport discipline in the world. The reason is not only the ease of the game for athletes of all ages, but also its accessibility. This game does not require a huge space, and tennis tables are everywhere: in the corridors of institutions, schools, in courtyards and park alleys, in recreation centers and other public places.
Table tennis is the most accessible game in the system of student education in the discipline of physical education. This is because table tennis as a type of sports and outdoor games does not require large material costs and space for training and sports competitions. At the same time, in the process of playing, which is characterized by high motor activity, students develop such important qualities as speed, agility, coordination, attention, reaction, eye contact, thinking and other abilities. The quality of education depends on the development of learning goals and objectives in the system of physical education and sports. At the moment there are three directions of physical education and in each of them the goal has its specific direction: general preparatory, professionally – applied sports – preparatory [1, 7-10].
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