video games, education, procedural rhetoricAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the educational potential and analyze the educational prospects of video games.
Methodology. The research was carried out on the basis of a combination of the provisions of a number of methodological approaches, in particular: competence (to determine the peculiarities of the formation of speech culture of students of education), activity (involvement of students of higher education in active educational activities to activate thinking processes), axiological (to form the value and worldview guidelines of future specialists ) - which are applied on the basis of complementarity and compliance with the purpose of the study.
The scientific novelty of the work is that computer video games as a technological and cultural artifact have a significant impact on modern society. At the same time, video games are aimed at using the entertainment component for training, education, treatment, public policy, etc. Formal and informal education is one of the most promising areas of active use of video games.
Conclusions. In order to fully identify the educational potential of video games and include them in the educational process, not only technical tools should be used. An important direction is work with parents and educators, who currently do not always perceive video games as an important innovative tool for improving the quality of education.
It should be noted that computer video games as a technological and cultural artifact have a significant impact on modern society. At the same time, video games are aimed at using the entertainment component for training, education, treatment, public policy, etc. Formal and informal education is one of the most promising areas of active use of serious games.
Based on the principles of learning by doing, serious computer video games have the potential to overcome many of the limitations of traditional learning. They contain more complex and diverse approaches to the educational process, allow the use of interactivity, promote cooperation, support active learning, and have an impact on cognitive and motivational spheres.
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