visualization, German language, forming of grammatical competence, future teachersAbstract
Purpose of this study is to investigate the methodological prerequisites of visualization in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers in blended learning.
Methodology of the study is based on the study and critical analysis of scientific publications and methodical literature on the problem of use of visualization in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers in blended learning; moving from abstract to concrete to reveal the main methodical features of visualization; study and generalization of positive experience of use of visualization in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers in blended learning; generalizations to formulate the conclusions of the study.
Scientific novelty of the research is based on: 1) generalization and further development of approaches to the visualization of grammatical material in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers in blended learning; 2) clarification of the definition of visualization, clarification of its goals and expected results of visualization; clarification of peculiarities of use of visualization in learning strategies, clarification of cognitive styles of visualization, clarification of methods of visualization of grammatical material and ways of visualization; 3) investigate the methodological prerequisites of visualization in forming of
German grammatical competence of future teachers in blended learning.
Conclusions. The goal of use of visualization in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers is to develop the ability to visually represent information. By visualization we understand both the process and the product of making assignments, the purpose of which is to visualize the abstract concepts of grammatical material in order to make them
accessible and facilitate their understanding and / or memorization. Visualization in forming of German grammatical competence of future teachers is a part of learning strategies – memorization strategies (mnemonics) and cognitive strategies. Cognitive styles of visualizing grammatical material in blended learning are represented by analytic versus global styles; visual
versus hands-on or tactile styles; intuitive and sequential styles. Techniques of visualization of grammatical material include printed and graphic means, techniques of visualization of grammatical material include those based on the use of abstract symbols, those based on the use of «specific» symbols / visual metaphors; dynamic techniques. Products of visualization can be
presented in visual or kinesthetic, analog or digital form. There are two ways to master visualization: an inductive and a deductive one.