inclusive education, innovative educational technologies, education seekers, special educational needsAbstract
The article examines the issue of the quality of implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the conditions of inclusive education. An overview of educational practices related to the development and teaching of children with special educational needs is presented. Emphasis is placed on the positive results of training and the general improvement of the quality of the educational process under the conditions of the introduction of innovative technologies for students of OOP education
The purpose of the article is to analyze approaches to the implementation of innovative educational technologies in educational and correctional development processes for persons with special educational needs and to determine the ways of their implementation in order to improve the quality of the educational process.
Methodology. The methodology of our research is based on systemic and person-oriented approaches that take into account psychological and pedagogical sources of information and analyze modern pedagogical experience through the implementation of innovative educational technologies for the education of persons with special educational needs. We used a multi-level system analysis of scientific information sources based on the general, partially scientific and specific scientific philosophical levels of knowledge.
The scientific novelty consists in establishing the main approaches to the introduction of innovative educational technologies in the process of training students with special educational needs in educational institutions.
Conclusions. The use of new technologies is of great importance for the education of children with special educational needs. New technologies make it possible to create individual learning approaches, taking into account the needs and possibilities of each study. This allows for access to learning based on their individual changes and level of development. New technologies make it possible to visualize educational material with the help of graphs, videos, animations and interactive elements. This is especially useful for children with special educational needs who can better perceive and understand information through visual means. Visual elements and interactivity also help engage students in the learning process and increase their motivation. New technologies make it possible to create educational materials and applications that can be accessible and adapted for children with special educational needs.
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