e-learning, electronic means, information and communication technologies, educational processAbstract
The goal of the work. Focus on the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning in a higher education institution.
Methodology. The following research methods were used to solve the goal: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical sources, official and normative documents; comparison and generalization of scientists' views on the problem) and empirical (observation of students' educational process).
Scientific novelty. The article clarifies the essence of the concept of «e-learning». The history of the entry of e-learning into the educational process of a higher education institution is investigated. It is noted that the main purpose of e-learning is to transfer the necessary knowledge to future specialists with the help of modern information and communication technologies. It is emphasized that e-learning does not replace at present and will not replace traditional education in the future, its use contributes to the enrichment of the teaching process in a higher education institution. The article highlights the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning, analyzes ways to overcome the difficulties that arise in the educational process using electronic means.
Conclusions. E-learning in the professional training of future specialists is used to improve the quality of education by developing access to Internet resources, provides an opportunity to gain knowledge for students who work in parallel, and also ensures the continuity of the educational process in difficult conditions for the country. The organization of the educational process using e-learning technologies creates conditions for increasing the volume of individual work, contributes to the formation of strategies, methods and techniques of self-learning in future specialists and is the basis for enhancing positive motivation for learning.
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