critical thinking, methods of developing critical thinking, art, lesson structureAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine and justify the most effective methods of developing schoolchildren’s critical thinking by means of art.
Methodology – in the process of research, systematic, integrated, and synergistic approaches to the substantiation of the categorical research apparatus and methods of developing critical thinking using art tools were used; theoretical research methods: a systematic analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature to determine the methodological features of the application of methods of developing critical thinking on art classes, substantiation of research conclusions.
Scientific novelty. The importance and necessity of developing schoolchildren’s critical thinking in the learning process is justified.
Effective methods of developing critical thinking by means of art are proposed, which can be effectively implemented if the special structure of the lesson is followed: challenge – comprehension – reflection. The methods of developing critical thinking using the tools of various types of art have been determined and adapted to art lessons.
Conclusions. The development of critical thinking in the educational process aims at changing approaches to the education of an individual as one who sees the world and creates oneself from the position of flexibility, independence, and mind. Such a goal makes the educational process meaningful, more communicative, and reflective.
The process of development of schoolchildren’s critical thinking involves teacher-student, student-student, student-group, and teacher-group interaction and the use of appropriate methods, which in complex implementation, contribute to the effective development of critical thinking. Adhering to the special structure of the lesson (challenge-awareness-reflection), methods of developing critical thinking were developed and adapted to art lessons, which are substantiated as the most appropriate from the point of view of synergistic, competent, and integrated approaches.
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