

personality, family, education, harmonization, culture


The urgency of the formation of national-cultural identity is due to the need to understand and assimilate national-cultural values of the Ukrainian people, historical memory, preserve national authenticity and traditions. The most important in this aspect is the question of preservation in the conditions of globalization of national socio-cultural identity, the concentrated expression of which is national education. In particular, this raises the task of rethinking the philosophical and educational heritage as an essential form of national self-awareness. Therefore, in the current conditions of reforming the education system in Ukraine, in search of basic principles of national education, one should turn to the national heritage – the achievement of well-known thinkers of the past, who have studied the content, role and importance of education in society, in particular, in the life of the Ukrainian community.
The purpose of the work is to analyze and theoretically reconstruct P. Kulish's philosophical and educational views.
Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is determined by an approach based on the principles of objectivity and integrity, as well as a set of general scientific and special research methods, which allowed to ensure the validity and reliability of scientific results. In particular, the dialectical method by which the author was able to present the subject of study in its essential social interconnections and dependencies; the method of system analysis allowed to identify and substantiate the system components of the studied object; the historical method has made it possible to study the laws substantially; hermeneutic method made it possible to understand its specificity and features of expression at different stages of development.
In addition, significant methodological and methodological importance was attached to the principle of national typology of philosophical solution of educational problems, as well as to the principles of comparativism, anthropocentrism and ethnocentrism
The scientific novelty of the article is to acquire the further development of the peculiarities of understanding the genesis of the Ukrainian people in P. Kulish's philosophical and pedagogical heritage, which was subordinated to the understanding of the peculiarities of the development of the Ukrainian people in the context of its history, language, culture, mentality and education. The realization of these tasks has contributed to the self-awareness and upholding of Ukrainian interests in a wide everyday range.
Conclusions. P. Kulish's creative work presents the philosophical and pedagogical concept that emerges from the philosophical understanding of education as a special dimension of human being.
The reconstructed concept of P. Kulish gives pedagogical thinking the character of synthetics and allows him to agree in the philosophical theories of education and education that the principles of conformity of pedagogical influences with ethical ideals, human nature and national culture are hardly compatible. The main ideas of Kulish's educational philosophy are the education of a harmonious personality through a deep perception of the native culture, based on true traditions that are expressed in language, dialogue with Nature and family upbringing. The great thinker urged to enlighten the mind and heart, because that is the way to make a person wise and virtuous.

Author Biographies

O. Tiutiunnyk, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Ph.D. in Philosophy,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods
of Teaching Foreign Languages,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)

Ya. Tiutiunnyk, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Postgraduate of the Academic Institute of History,
Ethnology and Jurisprudence named after O.M. Lazarevsky ,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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