communicative competence, future teachers training, inclusive education, inclusive environmentAbstract
The article aims to reveal theoretical aspects of forming communicative competence of future teachers in the process of preparing for professional work in an inclusive environment.
Methodology of socio – economic processes that take place in modern society, determine new, higher demands on the professionalism of specialists. The reform of modern higher education takes place, due to the rapid development of the society aimed primarily at solving the main issue – improving the training of teachers, capable of solving the educational problems of modern society.
In Ukraine, unfortunately, the reason scientifically based calculations of the necessary volumes of training for educational inclusion, adequate planned transformations. The study shows that even special education are not provided with enough specialists, not to mention the institutions of General secondary education, which are included in the system of care for children with special educational needs. At present stage there is an urgent need to train specialists with a high level of ability to self-improvement and effective adaptation to professional activities in an inclusive environment. In the Law of Ukraine «On higher education», National doctrine of education development of Ukraine in XXI century the requirements for professional competence of teachers. The National strategy for the development of education of Ukraine for 2012-2021 it is noted that the modern labour market requires from the graduate of institutions of higher education not only deep theoretical know ledge and ability to apply the min non-standard, constantly changing living conditions, the transition from know ledge society to the society vitally competent citizens. Professional competence of a teacher is a dynamic combination of know ledge, abilities and practical skills, professional, philosophical and civic qualities, way of thinking, moral and ethical values, which determines the ability of the teacher to success fully, carry out professional activities.
There search problem is relevant, but in sufficiently studied and requires a more substantive analysis of the concept "communicative competence in inclusive education" as an important component of professional competence of a future teacher, wants better disclosure of peculiarities of formation and development to of communicative competence in terms of inclusion, and its structure and components.
Scientific novelty. In that search process, determined that at the present stage of development of society is important to the issue of inclusive education. The practical realisation of education of children with special needs in an inclusive educational environment requires, first and foremost, targeted training in higher education institutions of different profiles of professionals: psychologists, social pedagogues, assistant teachers, that is, there construction of the training system taking into account new paradigms of philosophy of special education.
Conclusions. The problem of effective transformation of the economic, political, ideological, value of existence of the Ukrainian society in the early twenty-first century was the development of inclusive education, redefining gall of the forms, methods and technologies, the formation of key life competencies in children with special needs.
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