informative technologies, students with intellectual disabilities, informative and communicative competence, correctional and developmental classes, inclusive informative educational environmentAbstract
Psychophysiological peculiarities of intellectual development of children with special educational needs and influence of informative technologies on the determined development are analyzed in the article.
Methodology. Taking into account scientific researches, it is substantiated that informative technologies, which allow modification of certain types of cognitive activity of a child, become an important modern corrective tool. Interaction with the computer leads to positive result and self-activity, which is an important moment in stabilizing the emotional state of the child with intellectual disabilities, one of the means of self-realization of the personality in general.
The purpose of the work is to study the impact of informative technologies on the development of pupils with intellectual disabilities and the peculiarities of forming their informative and communicative competence.
Scientific novelty. It is proved that interaction of the pupil with intellectual disabilities with the computer creates favorable conditions for the transition from visual-practical to logical-abstract thinking, which helps to significantly intensify the mental activity, promotes the development of creative potential of each child, realization of its tendencies and abilities in different spheres available for its activities and communication. Taking into account the scientific researches on the problem raised, a model of forming of informative and communicative competence of pupils with intellectual disabilities is concluded.
It is substantiated that teachers’ training is an important and necessary task for the organization of an inclusive informative educational environment.
Conclusions. Therefore, the rational usage of informative technologies depends on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to introduce certain technologies in the system of education of each pupil and pupils with intellectual disabilities in particular. In addition, the problem of not having enough specialized computer training programs to solve educational and correctional-developmental tasks remains urgent.
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