special educational institutions, special boarding schools for children with developmental disabilities, children with hearing impairment, disabled children, deaf and hard of hearing, independence of UkraineAbstract
The article analyzes the development of special educational institutions for children with hearing impairments. Shows the statistics of special educational institutions for children with hearing impairments. The nature of the activities of the studied special institutions in the conditions of independent Ukraine (1991–2000). It has been established that education for children with hearing impairment at the stage of formation of the Ukrainian state began to have adequate means of teaching and teaching their native language.
It is revealed that it was common for all residential institutions to organize round-the-clock stay of children in such institutions under the care of pedagogical (if necessary, medical) workers in order to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of pupils, preparing them for adulthood.
The author notes that the content and status of primary and secondary education of special schools was aimed at reviving, preserving the culture and native language of children with hearing impairments. In the years of independence, laws and regulations were approved that guaranteed equality in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, took into account the interests of children with special needs in public life, which was one of the indicators of the development of democracy and ensuring human rights. It was proved that, at the request of time, numerous areas of public education of children in Ukraine were created and developed: orphanages, orphanages, general education boarding schools, boarding schools with in-depth study of certain subjects, boarding schools, boarding schools, sanatorium boarding schools, special boarding schools for children with developmental disabilities, social rehabilitation schools. It should be noted that the organization of children’s round-the-clock stay in such institutions under the care of pedagogical (if necessary and medical) workers was common for all residential institutions in order to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of pupils and their preparation for adulthood.
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