values, value orientations, subjects of professional activity, inclusive learning, inclusive environmentAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the value aspects of preparing future psychologists for activities in an inclusive environment.
Methodology. The introduction of the idea of inclusion into the modern educational system has given an impetus to the rethinking of the value aspects of preparing future psychologists for professional activity in an inclusive environment. Traditionally, in Ukraine, a psychologist is not just a repeater of ideas of psychological education, but also a specialist in the implementation of new ideas in any vector of the system of personality development. Inclusive education, penetrating the educational practice, demands new competencies, innovative forms of organization of pedagogical activity, high level of professional and pedagogical culture of the future psychologist.
The principles of understanding the importance of the process of preparing future psychologists for activities in an inclusive environment are based on humanism, the development of intelligence and creative abilities, the balance of intellectual, ethnic, emotional and physiological components of each personality. The psychologist is given a special, crucial role in the implementation of the mechanism of inclusion. The quality of an inclusive educational process depends on one's own pedagogical position, personal orientation to the humanistic values of teaching and upbringing.
However, the methods of formation of life values, competences, emotional stability, tolerance, reflection, empathy and psychological readiness of future psychologists of educational institutions to implement scientific approaches, principles, methods, forms of inclusive education implementation remain poorly understood. These components of successful inclusive education should be laid at the stage of professional training of future psychologists in terms of master's training. This raises the problem of making changes to the content of the program of professional training of pedagogical personnel, which should be involved as early as possible in professional activity, especially its practical orientation.
Scientific novelty. In the process of reforming education, the priority has been to create an educational environment for students with disabilities, enabling children with disabilities to lead a full-fledged lifestyle. In response to the challenges of society, the most urgent problem is the provision of inclusive schools with professional staff: the modern school psychologist must not only have a variety of psychological and pedagogical skills, but also be educated personality, able to understand the socio-cultural situation, have a high level of morale, have a high level of care, the true purpose of his life.
Valuable aspects of the training of future psychologists for activities in inclusive environment are revealed in the article, make it possible to understand the essence of professional values, which are defined as the positive or negative significance of objects or phenomena of the outside world for a person in the context of his professional activity. It is emphasized that for the subject professional values become the regulators of professional activity and relationships with colleagues and clients.
Conclusions. The professional values of the future psychologist are formed in the professional environment, in the process of educational-professional, quasi-professional and other forms of activity as a result of the internalization of professional values in the process of realization of educational standards of higher education.
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