

probation officers, professional training, juveniles, social and educational work


Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to identify priority are as for future probation officers` training to work with juveniles. B analyzing the tasks and functions of the probation officers, the priorities of the future probation officers` training should be identiiedy and for mulated, with the components of social and educational competence. Methodology. During there search, some methods of cognition were used as the theoretical methods (study and analysis of official normative documents, curricula, textbooks and training manuals for the professional training of probation service personnel, comparison and generalization of scientists' views on the issue of future probation officers` training to work with juveniles, generalization of the material) and also empirical methods (observation of the learning process and profession a activity).
Scientific novelty. The article ereveals the tasks facing future probation officers in work with juveniles, which are defined by there quire ments of international standards, national legislation and the age characteristics of such probation category clients. It is established that in order to achieve the probation goals, the personnel should have not only thorough legal know ledge, but also should be able to professionally carry out social and educational work, implement effective social and educational technologies for juveniles, use new methodic sand programs for successful correction of social behavior of juveniles`, use new to ol sand techniques to identify the risks of crime.
Conclusions. The program for future probation officers` training to work with juveniles for then ecessary know ledge and skills acquiring has been determined to consist of two blocks: legal competence and professional competence. As a result of the program acquiring, the future probation officers should acquire components of social and educational competence.

Author Biography

О. Shportiuk, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service

Senior Researcher Fellow
of the Department of Scientific Activity
and International Cooperation,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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