

correctional pedagogy, medical pedagogy, children with developmental disabilities, pedagogical system


Article's purpose – the consideration of V. Kaschenko's pedagogical inheritance in the context of development of modern correctional pedagogy and inclusive education.
Methodology. The analysis of scientific sources and literature showed that V. Kaschenko made a significant contribution to the development of the leading principles of the correctional pedagogy. In the created school-sanatorium for children with impaired mental development, various methods of pedagogical influence are used, for example, methods of correction through work and through the team, games, assignments, ignoring, a method of culture of healthy laughter. The system of pedagogical work with children, who have defects in mental development, he called correct or medical pedagogy. V. Kaschenko defined principles of medical pedagogy: social necessity and social nature of pedagogical activity and creativity; confidence in the reliability and correctness of methods of pedagogical work with children with developmental disabilities; affecting the social environment influence on the child; the combination of pedagogical work with the child and work on studying the child's personality; cooperation of a teacher and a doctor.
Scientific novelty. Important for modern pedagogical work with children with special educational needs are the ideas of the scientist about necessity to study the child's personality; cooperation of pedagogues with other specialists; use of different methods of pedagogical correction; taking into account the individual peculiarities of mental development of the child in the process of training and upbringing; special requirements for teachers working with children with developmental disabilities and the need for professional training for such teachers.
Conclusions. One of the founders of correctional and pedagogical work with children with special educational needs in the domestic scientific-educational space was V. Kaschenko. The technologies developed by V. Kaschenko are designed for correction of behavior and development of children with mental disabilities.

Author Biography

Т. Yanchenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Assosiate Professor,
Head of the Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching
History and Social Disciplines Department, T.Н. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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