

pedagogical conditions, worker, dual training, responsibility


At the stage of the forming experiment, the hypothesis of the study was tested, the pedagogical conditions of forming the professional responsibility of the worker in dual training were realized.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the realization of pedagogical conditions of formation of professional responsibility of the worker in dual training.
At the general stage, the dynamics of the professional responsibility of the worker in the dual training were determined. The first pedagogical condition is the enrichment of the content of generally professional subjects of vocational training. The realization of this condition provided the workers with a high degree of motivation to acquire knowledge and to manifest themselves as responsible persons, professional adaptation and ability to carry out professional activity independently.
In order to determine the methodology of the research on the basis of materials of scientific and methodological information, the analysis of the principles, approaches and methods of studying the problem (analysis, synthesis, comparison, comparison, etc.) was carried out.
The second pedagogical condition – realization of contextual tasks in educational and professional activity – stimulated the manifestation of professional responsibility of the worker in situations that are as close as possible to reality.
The method of acquaintance of workers with situations consisted in a step-by-step presentation of a problem with personal and social clarification. This condition provided a conscious movement in the stages of formation of professional responsibility in the process of mastering professional activity, expanding the value field of the individual through the dissemination of knowledge, ideas and activities that reflect professionally-personal significance and awareness of the measure of responsibility.
The third pedagogical condition is the orientation of the pedagogical efforts of the production training mentor to the normalization of the professional responsibility of the modern worker.
The scientific novelty. The implementation of this condition ensured that the mentor monitored the focus of the worker's work activity on quality, safety and economy; assessing the experience of responsible behavior in the real world, which was recorded in the reporting documents. This pedagogical condition made it possible to realize dual training and to ensure that the theoretical provisions of professional activity in the proper performance of their duties are put into practice.
The author of the article concludes that analysis of the data shows that by the end of the experimental work, the proportion of workers who had a high level of professional responsibility formation had increased, and the proportion of workers who had medium and low levels had decreased significantly. The analysis of qualitative and quantitative results of the experimental work gives grounds to claim that the research goal was achieved, the hypothesis was proved, the task of scientific search was successfully solved.

Author Biography

L. Dubina, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

Нead of the Department of professional education and safety of life,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Сolehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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