students of higher education, future primary school teachers, health care, competencesAbstract
Problem. The article highlights the process of formation of health care competence of future primary school teachers. It has been proven that one of the tasks of higher pedagogical education consists in the formation of readiness for health-preserving professional activities of future primary school teachers. It was determined that the important directions of health-preserving competence are the culture of health, the creation of a personal strategy of health-preserving professional behavior. It is substantiated that the structural components of the health-preserving competence of the future primary school teacher are cognitive, motivational, and operational.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the process of formation of health care competence of the future primary school teacher.
The research methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogical science and reflects the interrelationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of formation of health-preserving competence of future primary school teachers in domestic institutions of higher education.
Scientific novelty: it has been proven that the health-preserving competence of the future primary school teacher is a property of higher education applicants, for the organization of the educational process based on the principles of health-preserving.
Conclusions. 1. The health-preserving competence of the future primary school teacher is a property of higher education seekers, which combines the category of knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, the skills and abilities to use them in professional activities, the ability to apply modern knowledge of the discipline, the ability to organize the educational process based on the principles of health horse breeding 2. Structural components of health care competence of the future primary school teacher – cognitive, motivational, activity. 3. One of the tasks of higher pedagogical education is the formation of readiness for health-preserving professional activity. Important areas of health-preserving competence are the culture of health, the creation of a personal strategy of health-preserving professional behavior.
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