

Zaporozhian Host (Viisko Zaporozke), Hetman, B. Khmelnytsky, I. Vyhovskyi, I. Mazepa


Relevance. Integration of Ukraine into the European intellectual dimension requires clarifi­cation and correction of historical terminology usage in scientific and educational literature, search for adequate correspondences of specific Ukrainian names in European documents.

Statement of the problem. The incorporation of such a military-political and state formation as Zaporozhian Host (Viisko Zaporozke) into the world geopolitics of the XVII-XVIII centuries necessitated the tactful observance of the rules of correspondence with representatives of other states, the correct use of the title of hetman.

Purpose: to find out the principles and types of titling of Ukrainian hetmans in foreign languages in diplomatic correspondence, social and public discourse of the second half of the XVII – mid-XVIII centuries.

Methodology of the research: the attempts of European diplomatic bodies to find the appropriate titles and ranks for Ukrainian hetmans in their official titles are observed. The titling of the hetman in foreign language by Ukrainian officials and bodies, in particular in diplomatic documents, was also revealed. This comparison allows to find out the most established forms of usage of the term «hetman» in European languages. 

The scientific novelty is in identifying the specifics and peculiarities of usage of the title of hetman in various spheres of state, political and public life of European countries.

For foreigners, the title «hetman», which was used on the territory of Zaporozhian Host primarily to designate the head of the state formation, was perceived as a military rank. As it became evident from the selected samples of correspondence of Hetmans B. Khmelnytsky, I. Vyhovskyi, I. Mazepa and P. Orlyk, most of the Cossack leaders also tried to position themselves as military figures and leaders of the army on the international arena.

Conclusions: in the process of applying innovative forms and methods of research, it was found out, that the most adequate correspondence to the meaning of the title «hetman» was the term «dux» in Latin, which corresponded to the meaning of the titles of prince, duke or ruler of a certain territory. Nevertheless, the attempt to look for correspondences in European languages for the meaning of the term «hetman» allows us to assert the attempts to incorporate their own vision of this title into the European dimension of international diplomacy.


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