


professional tolerance, future social employees, mental states, subjective wellbeing


The article shows the results of the empirical study of the determinants of the development of professional tolerance of future social employees in the conditions of war. According to the results of the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, it was found that professional tolerance as a complex phenomenon corresponds to the specifics of a certain professional activity and has the following structural components: adaptability, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, empathy, affiliation, assertiveness, supra-situational perception. We consider professional tolerance as a complex formation of interconnected individual and personal characteristics that determine the integral value of social employees, which is manifested in a respectful attitude towards other subjects of the professional activity and includes the interaction of the individual in the process of life with other people. The purpose of the article: the article has the aim to analyze the results of the empirical study of the level of the development of the main structural components of professional tolerance of future social employees, and to show the factors contributing to the development of professional tolerance in war conditions.
Methodology. Empirical research methods have been used: the observation, the experiment, a survey, a questionnaire, testing, a complex of psychodiagnostic methods in order to
study the level of the development of professional tolerance and to assess the level of the expression of mental states of respondents. Scientific novelty. The structure of professional tolerance includes tolerance to uncertainty and frustration tolerance, which helps to overcome the state of frustration and requires increasing the resistance of future social employees to adverse life circumstances based on adequate awareness.
Conclusions. It has been empirically established that negative mental states affect inversely the development of professional tolerance. We obtained the lower level of the development of frustration, rigidity, aggressiveness, anxiety, the higher level of the development of professional
tolerance of social employees. It has been empirically proven that the development of professional tolerance of future social employees is influenced by the level of the development of subjective well-being and the main characteristics of professional tolerance: emotional comfort, value system having been adopted in this culture, life satisfaction.

Author Biography

Yevhenii Poryadin , National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov

2nd-year graduate student, specialty 231 «Social work»,
National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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