difficult-to-be-educated teenagers, education, re-education, social pedagogues, professional activityAbstract
Problem. The article highlights the essence of the process of education and re-education of difficult-to-educate teenagers in the professional activity of social pedagogues of educational institutions. It was determined that there are many reasons for the problem of teenagers with difficult upbringing in the modern period. It is substantiated that one of the areas of work of social pedagogues working in educational institutions is education and re-education of difficult-to-educate teenagers.
The purpose of the article is to determine the essence of the processes of education and re-education in the professional activity of social pedagogues of educational institutions.
The research methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogical science and reflects the interrelationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of education and re-education of difficult-to-educate teenagers.
Scientific novelty: it has been proven that the processes of education and re-education in the professional activity of social pedagogues of educational institutions are interconnected.
The process of re-educating difficult-to-educate teenagers in the professional activity of a social pedagogue should be based on the principle of dialogue. This principle makes it possible to produce common values in everyday life and life activities of educational institutions. An important task of social pedagogues is to help a teenager cope with the main social task – learning, when school adaptation is disturbed (loss of confidence due to lack of time in studies, the appearance of a feeling of fear when called to the board, increased shyness among peers).
Conclusions. 1. In the process of re-education by the social pedagogue of the educational institution, it is important to remember that the students are aware of the necessary norms and rules of behavior. 2. Important elements of re-education are the analysis of positive and negative character traits of a difficult-to-educate teenager and the neutralization or elimination of harmful influences. 3. The relationship between education and re-education is an increase in the quality of the educational process. 4. Re-education is aimed at the reconstruction of improperly formed views, judgments, evaluations of teenagers who are difficult to educate. 5. The effectiveness of educational influences on teenagers who are difficult to educate depends directly on their efforts. 6. The processes of education and re-education of difficult-to-educate teenagers in the professional activity of social pedagogues are interconnected.
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