

Armed Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, NATO member states, educational environment, institution of higher naval education, future officers


The article outlines the requirements for modern military education, the means of its improvement and development (restoration), the development of a higher naval educational institution according to the standards of leading countries and NATO member countries. 
Purpose: to identify the components of a systematic approach to the training of domestic naval specialists and to outline the procedure for implementing the recommendations adopted in leading countries in the process of training officers at the Institute of the Navy. The research methodology is based on synergetic, activity and resource approaches. General scientific theoretical research methods and design method are used.
Scientific novelty. The article substantiates methodological recommendations for further reform of the higher military education system in Ukraine, in particular naval education at the Naval Institute, based on the experience of transforming military education systems in leading countries in accordance with modern models of military training adopted in countries. NATO members.
The article outlines the components of the modern model of military training, in particular, ensuring the entry into the Armed Forces of Ukraine of more motivated officers who realize that their country needs a serviceman and it will protect his rights; the serviceman has the desire, will and ability to learn, for example, the ability to independently acquire knowledge about future activities, improve skills, self-improvement, be a leader who is able at any time to make appropriate and informed decisions.
Conclusions. After the transformation (implementation) of the latest model of the naval education system in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the problem of providing professional personnel potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be eliminated; the competitiveness of specialists will increase and the outflow of personnel from the ranks of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will decrease.

Author Biography

I. Poprotsky, Naval Institute National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

Senior Lecturer, Naval Institute
National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»
(Odessa, Ukraine)


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