gender, gender features, male and female roles, social organization, corporate culture, components and levels of corporate cultureAbstract
The article considers the problem of formation, maintenance and change of corporate culture of social organization as an circumstance of professional activity, as interaction of culture of individuals (men and women) and cultural factors of the environment; as a regulator of human behavior and a set of the most stable and long-term characteristics of the organization, as a combination of values, principles and norms of activity that accompany the professional activities of men and women within the organization and influence their interaction with the environment.
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the concept of corporate culture and gender features of its formation, maintenance and change, its consideration as the main way to improve the efficiency of social institutions, coordinates the management of the organization through established norms and standards of corporate behavior, employees interaction in accordance with corporate values.
Methodology. In the article, to confirm the problem of formation, maintenance and change of corporate culture of social organization as an circumstance of professional activity, the current pluralistic approach to the structure of methodology of scientific knowledge is used, which provides horizontal and one-level the structure of cognition of a particular object of study, where the principles and methods of cognition are equivalent and equally orderly. The methodological basis of the study is a combination of philosophical – dialectical (laws, categories, principles of dialectics and logic), general scientific (principles of objectivity, validity of scientific conclusions, obviousness and reliability of cognitive results), intersectoral scientific methodology (social-humanitarian, psychological methodology).
The scientific novelty is to highlight the gender aspects of the corporate culture of social organizations, whose activities are aimed at working with people, helping them, solving their social problems and the gender aspect of its formation, maintenance and change.
Conclusions. Corporate culture as a factor of the effectiveness of managing the development of the organization should be considered more broadly, namely in the context of gender equality, recognition of women as well as men, the right to their vision of management style, decision making, achieving the understanding of the holistic picture of existence and development of organization through interaction of male and female «beginning». The corporate culture of the organization should become an institution that embodies the principles of gender equality and complementarity of men and women.
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