

open education, open educational environment, higher education institution (HEI), information and educational environment of HEI, information educational technologies


The article examines the phenomenon of an open educational environment in higher education institutions. The relevance of considering the issue of designing the educational environment of HEI is revealed. The concept of an open educational environment of higher education institutions and its interaction with the global information space is clarified.
In the study also it is determined that the development of the educational environment of modern HEIs goes by way of getting out of the closed state and establishing information and communication interaction with other educational environments, data stores, knowledge bases, information environments (not necessarily educational) of third-party organizations.
The educational environment of a higher education institution becomes a subsystem of the global information environment, in fact, partially transforming into its subsystem. The study notes that the fusion of environments will not be complete, since the localized educational environment contains a closed part. This closure is due to the fact that the institution of higher education, in addition to educational activities (direct transfer of knowledge from teacher to student), carries out several other types of activities (economic, legal, commercial, etc.).
The goal is to analyze the essence and content of the phenomenon of the educational environment of a higher education institution.
Research methodology. It is: theoretical analysis, generalization and synthesis of interpre-tations of the essence of the concept of an open educational environment available in scientific and methodological sources; retrospective analysis of the formation of the phenomenon of the educational environment; abstraction, comparative approach, generalization, systematization, analogy and concretization of theoretical information about the current state of the open educational environment of HEI.
Scientific novelty. The concept of an open educational environment of higher education institutions has been clarified. It is proposed to consider the open educational environment of a higher education institution as a partially controlled set of systems, technologies, means, relations, conditions, phenomena interacting with the educational process of the HEI.
Conclusions. The open educational environment of HEI is a dynamic set of systems, technologies, means, relations, conditions, phenomena that provide the educational process (interacting with it) and which is in constant development, in accordance with the needs of society, localized within the HEI.

Author Biography

A. Guraliuk, Library of Ukraine named after V. A. Sukhomlinsky

ResearcherID AAG-5328-2020
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher;
Head of ICT and Scientometrics Sector of the State Scientific and Pedagogical
Library of Ukraine named after V. A. Sukhomlinsky
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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