

teacher’s professional success, the essence of a teacher’s professional success, future teacher, approach, methodological approach


The purpose of the work is to analyze the problem of a teacher’s professional success in terms of scientific interpretation of various methodological approaches. According to the purposes of the research, the scientific analysis of the methodological research strategies of a teacher’s professional success phenomenon of general scientific and concrete scientific levels is made, the substantial characteristics of a teacher’s professional success are revealed.
The methodological basis of the study is a set of approaches: systemic, synergetic, historical and civilizational, activity-based, praxeological, axiological, subjective, acmeological and hutagogical.
Scientific novelty. The analysis of the problem of a future teacher’s professional success based on the scientific analysis of various methodological approaches is carried out, the essential characteristics of professional success revealing the directions of its formation and development are distinguished.
Conclusions. The analysis of a problem of a future teacher’s professional success allows us to distinguish the most important essential characteristics of the defined construct in the presentation of its important features. Defined approaches also allow to consider a future teacher’s professional success taking into account the integration approach to its formation and development: activity-based – formation of students' necessary professional competencies involves the activity and testing of effective professional activity models; subjective – reflexive analysis of professional actions develops the ability to the correct estimation and successful experience of theoretical and practical activity; praxeological approach – comparing theoretical and practical models of professional actions, students determine the most rational and effective ones; axiological – definition of professional activity values, the establishment of priorities in professional and personal life; acmeological – definition of ways of professional growth to reach the top of professional success.

Author Biography

T. Skoryk, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

ResearcherID J-2211-2016
Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Associate professor at Arts Department, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» (Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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