space, personal space, information and digital technologies, personal digital educational space of a modern teacher, natural sciences, postgraduate pedagogical educationAbstract
Global digitalization today affects the functioning of all sectors of society, including education. The introduction of information and digital technologies in the educational space of educational institutions requires from teachers (including natural sciences) to transform their own educational space in the direction of its digitalization.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the problem of formation of personal digital space of a modern teacher, particularly in the conditions of postgraduate education.
The methodological basis are the principles of systemicity, integrity, determinism, relationship with the external environment.
The scientific novelty lies in the coverage of the formation of personal digital educational space of modern teachers during advanced training in postgraduate education, which directly affects his/her further professional activity, promotes professionalism, information and digital competence.
The personal digital educational space of a teacher of natural sciences is not only a condition of his/her self-education, but also is a mean to increase professionalism. This space is changing by expanding knowledge of information and digital technologies, the formation of skills and abilities to work with digital media, information and digital competencies, including during the advanced training.
Conclusions. Personal digital educational space is a resource of professional development of a teacher of natural sciences, which is focused on self-education, formation of professional and personal environment, development of information and digital competence and provides involvement in professional activity of teacher experience of modern technologies, formation and support of teachers of natural sciences informal communities, helps to increase their ratings, the development of their professionally necessary qualities through the use of communication, which modifies and expands the functional activity. The expansion and transformation of the personal digital educational space of the teacher is facilitated by training in advanced training courses at the institutes of postgraduate pedagogical education on the base of high-quality selected content that corresponds to modern achievements of digitalization of education.
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