


social adaptation, migrant children, institutions of general secondary education, internally displaced persons, psychological service of an educational institution, psychological and pedagogical assistance


The article is devoted to researching the current level of success in social adaptation of schoolchildren from among internally displaced persons. One of the main components of the success of social adaptation is the creation of a safe and favorable environment for the continuation of education of immigrant children in general secondary education institutions. Researched: levels of personal and situational anxiety in students; interpersonal relationships of high school students from families of forced migrants in the collective of a general secondary education institution; levels of adaptability and maladaptation of immigrant children in interpersonal systems. Indicators and factors of successful social adaptation of schoolchildren from families of internally displaced persons are determined.
The purpose of the work is to substantiate and determine the current level of success in the social adaptation of schoolchildren from among internally displaced persons.
Methodology is based on the principles of systematicity (consideration of the process of social adaptation as a system in which the directions of work with forced migrants in the social, informational, legal, economic and material spheres are determined), socio-psychological studies of the level of success of social adaptation of children and their families from among internally displaced persons.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the study and determination of the actual level of success of social adaptation of internally displaced children in general secondary education institutions, which can be used by psychological service specialists, social assistance workers who act as mediators between the administrative and legal system of social protection and families of displaced persons.
Conclusions. Taking into account the studied circumstances of determining the actual level of success of the social adaptation of migrant children to new conditions of life and education, it is necessary to note the extremely important measures of social and pedagogical support of children in connection with the circumstances and the need for complex approaches to these processes. Therefore, social workers, social pedagogues, psychologists must have a high professional level, sustainable motivation, be exceptionally humane, respect and professionally support children who need help due to very difficult life situations related to the state of crisis in the state. Specialists should provide persistent motivation of the child to overcome difficulties, to continue learning and successfully communicate in a new environment of peers, when children who have experienced significant stress under favorable conditions and with the necessary social, psychological and pedagogical help gain confidence in their own abilities and are more likely to be able to return to effective living and learning.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Zavatska, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

PhD in Pedagogy, Full Professor,
Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of
Psychology and Social Work,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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