


business English, professional direction, master’s students, students of higher education, non-language majors


Problem. The article highlights the important aspects of learning business English in a professional direction for students of higher education in non-linguistic specialties. It was determined that the common global educational space contributes to the international communication of the scientific community on the Internet and the growth of academic mobility of education seekers, where the communicative English competence of specialists in non-linguistic specialties becomes much more important and relevant.
It is substantiated that one of the leading tasks of professional training of students of higher education in non-linguistic specialties is the formation of foreign language professional communicative competence.
The purpose of the article is to analyze some components of studying business English in a professional direction for students of higher education in non-linguistic specialties.
The research methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogical science and reflects the interrelationship of methodological approaches to the study of the process of business English of a professional direction for students of higher education in non-linguistic specialties.
Scientific novelty: it has been clarified that the master’s level of mastery of a foreign language B2 ensures academic and professional mobility of students of higher education and makes it possible to competently implement further professional activities.
Conclusions. 1. Specialists in non-language specialties with higher education must be able to communicate in a foreign language at a sufficient level both at the everyday level and in professional activities. 2. The practical application of theoretical knowledge of master’s students in non-linguistic specialties is facilitated by participation in the international activities of the institution of higher education. 3. There is an authentic text for the formation of speaking skills and competences of a foreign (English) language for the educational process of the master’s degree in non-linguistic specialties in foreign language linguistic didactics. 4. The master’s level of foreign language proficiency B2 ensures the academic and professional mobility of the applicants and enables them to competently implement further professional activities.

Author Biography

Louise Kotlyarova, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Department of Foreign Languages
for Professional Purposes,
Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University
(Odesa, Ukraine)


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