educational process, online learning, messengers, social networksAbstract
Purpose of the article: Theoretically justify the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process with the help of modern computer technologies in the conditions of a higher education institution.
Methodology: The methodological basis for the use of computer technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions is indicated in the works: T. Gorobets, O. Skorobagatskaya and N. Statsenko. They consider the features and problems of digitization of higher pedagogical education.
V. Krasnoshtan and M. Fedorov investigated the preparation of the future teacher for the use of computer training technology and identified the main directions of using computer technologies in the pedagogical process of higher education, and also determined the advantages of organizing the independent work of students using information technology.
L. Tkachenko and S. Khmelnitsky investigated the specifics of the introduction of distance learning in higher education, which is inextricably linked with computer technology.
Among the Ukrainian scientists who paid attention to the use of computer technologies in conditions of martial law and considered ways to improve the educational process in such conditions, we can distinguish O. Klymenko, M. Levchenko, S. Fedenko and A. Forostyan.
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the features of the use of computer technologies in the educational process in the conditions of a higher education institution are analyzed.
Conclusions: Therefore, the successful use of computer technologies by teachers and students in higher education is a promising and effective aspect of education, ensuring the development of key competencies of students and improving the quality of the educational proce
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