future teachers of musical art, reflexive-emotional aspect, professional training, interpretation skillsAbstract
The article highlights the issues of formation of interpretation skills of future music teachers in the process of vocal and choral training. Ananalysis of the main researches and publications on this issue is presented, professional, communicative, perceptive, personal and creative qualities are highlighted, which have a positive effect on the practical preparation of students of art faculties for vocal and choral work. Executive will, the ability to interpret actas an emotional and communicative factor of musical and performing activity.
The purpose of the work is to study the reflexive and emotional features of the use of interpretation skills of future music teachers in the process of vocal and choral training.
The research methodology is based on the ideas of personal, axiological and competence approaches. The following research methods were used in the article: study and analysis of scientific sources; diagnostic observations; generalization of advanced pedagogical experience; modeling and designing new approaches to the interpretation of music alsamples in the preparation of future music teachers for productive activities.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the identification of specific features of the use of interpretation skills in vocal and choral work. The article uses a new approach to reflexive-emotional manifestations of the formation of interpretation skills of students of arts faculties in vocal and choral activities.
Conclusions. The ability to reflexive and emotional expressiveness of students of the faculties of arts is clearly manifested in practical activities during vocal and choral training, namely, the achievement of the desired effect of the power of musical authority, which occurs through disclosure, awareness by them of their inner freedom, personal space, the right to their own point of view, to a mistake according to one's own unique experience of individual sensory assimilation of the world. As a result, a talented performer appears on stage, whose professional resources consist of stage reliability, charisma, personal resistance, and creative longevity.
We see the prospects for further scientific research in the development of art is try as a means of emotional expression of the performer’s communicative needs, methodical support for the organization of this process.
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