



vocal school, vocal performance skills, sound creation technique, concert performance, typical shortcomings


The purpose of the article is to generalize the types of shortcomings in the singing of beginner vocalists, find out their causes and outline ways to overcome them in the process of vocal training.
Methodology. To achieve the goal, the methods of scientific and theoretical analysis and generalization were applied to understand the nature of the typical shortcomings of the singing of beginner vocalists, and the descriptive method of the empirical level was used to present the ways to overcome them.
Scientific novelty. The article singles out typical shortcomings of singing, analyzes the reasons for their occurrence, and suggests, based on personal experience, methods and techniques for their removal in the process of forming the vocal and performance skills of beginner vocalists.
Conclusions. In working with a beginner vocalist, the methodical literacy of the teacher, the expressiveness and appropriateness of his demonstrations, the planning of classes, his ability to develop the culture, artistic and creative thinking of the student, which allows, realizing the essence of the shortcomings of his singing, to find effective methods (in particular, phonetic, visual-auditory, method of practice, associations, artistic reproduction of an emotional state) of overcoming them from the standpoint of an individual approach.
The article updates the problem of typical shortcomings in the singing of beginner vocalists, which mainly relate to sound production, vocal position, breathing, intonation, psychological and physiological clamps, and stage self-control. The views of scientists, domestic and foreign singers and teachers on the given problem are highlighted. The presented methods and methods of their removal do not exhaust all the possibilities of solving the outlined problem, however, taking into account the specifics of work in the class of solo singing, they can be useful for teachers of institutions of various levels of art education in the process of forming vocal and performance skills. Vocal-performance skills are considered as automated actions that lead to the technical, intonational, emotional, and artistic performance of a vocal piece under the condition of self-control and stage endurance during the performance.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Stepanova, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
of the Department of Theory and Methodologу
of Musical Education, Choral Singing and Conducting,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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