



professional culture, methodical culture, musical art masters, diagnostics, professional training, level characteristics


The article is devoted to highlighting the method of diagnosing the formation of methodical culture of masters of musical art in the process of piano training. The content of the concepts «pedagogical culture», «professional-pedagogical culture» was considered, the essence of the concept «methodological culture» was determined and it was established that it is a subspecies of professional-pedagogical culture. A content-structural characteristic of the specified quality has been developed. On the basis of the structure, a criterion apparatus for diagnosing the level of formation of methodical culture among masters of musical art is determined. The recommended methods are defined and described, which will be appropriate in the process of diagnosing the specified quality in master pianists. Based on the evaluation criteria and their indicators, three levels of formation of methodical culture of master pianists are defined, namely: high, medium and low.
The purpose of the work is to outline methodical recommendations for diagnosing the formation of methodical culture among masters-pianists in the process of piano training.
Methodology. The following approaches served as methodological bases for diagnosing the formation of a certain quality among master pianists: activity, reflexive, consolidation.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the determination of relevant and appropriate methods of diagnosing the formation of the methodical culture of masters of musical art in the process of piano training.
Conclusions. The formation of the methodological culture of masters of musical art is an important factor in the personal and professional development of the student and his acquisition of important professional qualities and skills. It is expedient to diagnose the level of formation of methodological culture with the help of various methods aimed at establishing the level of knowledge, professional skills and abilities, the student's ability to lead the educational process in a highly professional manner and the ability to effectively train future specialists in musical art.

Author Biography

Olena Turovets, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Postgraduate Student of
the Anatolii Avdiievskyi Faculty of Arts,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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