


artistic interaction, teenagers, readiness formation, communication, collaboration


The article updates the importance of forming preservice music teachers’ readiness for artistic interaction with teenage students; highlights scientific trends on the problem analysis; outlines the main points on the essence of such concepts as «artistic interaction», «preservice music teachers’ readiness for artistic interaction with teenage students»; provides authors definitions for the terms.
Purpose of the article: to specify the problem of preservice music teachers’ readiness formation for artistic interaction with teenage students; to analyse the essence and characterise the logical and semantic structure of key concepts.
Methodology. The following theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, systematization) are used in scientific research with the purpose to approve the research relevance and summaries the theoretical and methodological principles of the key definitions.
Scientific novelty. The importance of preservice music teachers’ readiness formation for artistic interaction with teenage students has been approved. The concepts «artistic interaction» and «preservice music teachers’ readiness for artistic interaction with teenage students» have been specified.
Conclusions. It has been concluded that modern minds have to rethink the higher education role and significance by means of fundamental changes in the traditional system of teaching youth mutual modality, and collaboration for productive artistic self-realization among higher education participants. Preservice music teachers’ readiness for artistic interaction with teenage students is an important condition for artistic education aim realization. It is a sufficient way of student’s creative personality development while investigating the artistic heritage of humankind; and competencies formation necessary for artistic and creative self-expression. The issue of developing a component structure of preservice music teachers’ readiness for artistic interaction with teenage students is being studied further as well as design and approbation of pedagogical conditions and methods for the specified readiness formation.

Author Biography

Long Qian, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Postgraduate Student of
the Anatolii Avdiievskyi Faculty of Arts,
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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