


educational innovations, historical and pedagogical narrative, experimental pedagogy, social pedagogy, pedology


The purpose of the article is to examine the historical and pedagogical experience of the development of innovative pedagogical thought in foreign countries in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Methodology. The study uses problematic, systemic and synergistic, hermeneutic and narrative approaches. The research used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization. This made it possible to create a holistic picture of educational innovations and to draw attention to certain areas of innovative pedagogy of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Scientific novelty. The article describes in the form of a narrative the ideas of different trends in reformist pedagogy (experimental pedagogy, social pedagogy, pedology) to improve the organization and content of the educational process in educational institutions in foreign countries in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Conclusions. Thus, historical and pedagogical research in the form of a narrative as an analytical story provides an understanding of the origins of modern educational processes and phenomena. The methodological basis of pedagogical innovations is based on scientific ideas and educational practices of the past. These include reformist pedagogy, which developed in foreign countries in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in particular such areas as experimental pedagogy, social pedagogy, and pedology. The innovative content of these areas is to recognize the child as the main figure in the educational process, the value of the individual and the recognition of his or her right to free comprehensive development at school and in society as a whole. Under these conditions, schools should take into account the interests of the child and the peculiarities of his or her development. Therefore, the theory and practice of experimental pedagogy, social pedagogy and pedology are innovative and relevant to the needs of modern education.

Author Biography

Tamara Yanchenko, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»

ResearcherID EHD – 0652-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Assosiate Professor,
Head of the Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching,
History and Social Disciplines Department,
T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
(Chernihiv, Ukraine)


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