school economic education, educational institutions, content of education, historical experienceAbstract
The article analyzes the historical and pedagogical background for the development of school economic education in Ukraine. The purpose of the paper is to characterize and outline the ideas of origin and creation of the system of development of national school economic education in historical retrospect and to back up with facts the possibilities of using productive ideas and experience in modern secondary education institutions of Ukraine.
Research methodology. The article uses a multilevel systematic analysis of scientific sources at the philosophical and general scientific levels of knowledge. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the analysis of the legislative, regulatory framework, archival sources and pedagogical research on the development of school economic education; interdependence of social pedagogical phenomena, the need to study them in specific historical conditions.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the definition of pedagogical ideas, economic trends, directions and doctrines that have influenced the development of economic science and its mastering in educational institutions in the territory of Ukraine within the outlined chronological limits. It is noted that the analysis suggests that this process was complex, contradictory and depended on the social, economic and political characteristics of the society.
The study allows us to conclude that school economic education has been the subject of research by teachers, psychologists and economists. It has been found that this issue has been the point of scientists’ interest for many centuries. The analysis of the achievements made at independent Ukraine shows that in recent years there has been a growing interest in various historical and pedagogical processes and the corresponding accumulation of the number of scientific papers dedicated to this problem. Modern investigations significantly expand information about the content, forms and methods of economic education of students at different stages, and thus contribute not only to the development of historical and pedagogical science, but also improvement of the theory and methods of teaching school economics. The scientific research papers of this period are characterized by equity and impartiality, by the introduction of new historical sources, archival in particular, which have been unavailable or little known yet.
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