sports and pedagogical improvement, kinesiological competence, studentsAbstract
The purpose of the work is to consider the essence of the modular system of education in the formation of kinesiological competence in the training of future teachers of physical culture.
The methodological basis is the conceptual ideas of the theory of cognition, methodological principles of scientificity, accessibility, integrity, integrativity, which explain the important pedagogical aspects of professional training of future specialists in physical education and sports.
Research methods. To obtain the most significant results of the study and their interpretation, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and synthesis, systematization, generalization of information presented in scientific sources of information.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the following methods have been improved: the method of conducting the discipline «Sports and pedagogical improvement» for students of higher education institutions, taking into account the morphofunctional support of sports and pedagogical activities; methods of organizing classes on sports and pedagogical improvement for students of higher education institutions; educational and methodological support for teaching the discipline «Sports and pedagogical improvement» in higher education institutions.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the development of scientific and methodological support of the discipline «Kinesiology of sports and pedagogical activities» and improving the content of professional training of future physical education teachers on the basis of an integrative kinesiological approach.
Conclusions. In the process of developing the educational and methodical complex the principle is realized, according to which the modern orientation of education, aimed at the development of functional capabilities in the process of sports and pedagogical improvement for the formation of kinesiological competence, is determined by the creation of psychological and didactic conditions. personal preferences and interests, to realize themselves as a subject of learning.
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