health culture, personality, healthy lifestyle, physical educationAbstract
The article summarizes scientific views on various approaches to the formation of a culture of personal health in the theory and practice of Ukrainian pedagogy. Features of formation of culture of health of the person and a healthy way of life, and also technologies of physical training in general secondary education institutions are considered.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of the formation of a culture of personal health in the theory and practice of Ukrainian pedagogy.
Research methods. The results of the study are based on methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis, systematization, generalization of the conclusions of scientific sources. Today, the scientific literature demonstrates the accumulated considerable material that explores the peculiarities of the formation of a culture of personal health and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the technology of physical education.
Scientific novelty. The content of concepts, approaches to the formation of a culture of personal health in the theory and practice of Ukrainian pedagogy aimed at improving the indicators of physical health and physical fitness of students in general secondary education institutions is substantiated and determined. The specifics of the organization of educational activities in physical education lessons, the use of technologies of physical education minutes and sports breaks are substantiated, their importance for the formation of a culture of personal health and a healthy lifestyle of students in general secondary education institutions.
Conclusion. Health is a combination of biological, physiological, mental and social formation of the body. The modern pace of life requires people to be more dynamic, more efficient and less time consuming. All this affects the health of not only adults, but especially children and young people. The formation of a culture of health and healthy lifestyle should be aimed at forming in students and young people an active position to strengthen and maintain their own health.
The introduction of physical culture in the educational process, the formation of health-preserving technologies is a vital necessity. Physical culture in general secondary education institutions is a system of physical exercises, professionally-applied, improving, physical culture and sports actions which are applied for the purpose of increase and preservation of working capacity of the person and maintenance of its readiness for successful professional activity.
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