information technology, digital educational resources, digital competencies, education, future professionalsAbstract
Purpose: to consider the possibilities and prospects of using digital educational resources for quality training of future computer technology specialists.
Methodology: analytical, descriptive and systematic research methods are used in the work.
Scientific novelty: studying the role of digital educational resources in the training of specialists, its analysis in the educational labor market.
The article outlines the role of digital educational resources in the training of qualified specialists; issues associated with the spread of modern digital educational resources in Ukraine are highlighted; the situation in the Ukrainian market of educational services is analyzed, it is shown its influence on the dynamics of innovation processes in the education system. The importance of thorough education reforming in compliance with the needs of post-industrial society is emphasized. It is determined that the use of digital educational resources opens the possibility of a positive impact on improving the quality of education, meets the needs of future experts in educational services, increases professional mobility and activity. The development of digital technologies plays an important role in improving the content, methods and forms of higher education, gives the opportunity to master new knowledge and skills, self-development, activation of processes of perception, formation, consolidation, and control of students' perception of new knowledge. Digital educational technologies are in priority in the training of students, because they are in demand in the labor market.
Conclusion: the development of digital skills is becoming one of the most important conditions for the development of the digital market of any country, as it is directly or indirectly related to all spheres of society and economy. The development of information technology in the modern world has led to a reconsidering of traditional approaches to determining promising forms of educational process organization.
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