

physical education teachers, readiness, conflict prevention, formation, educational and professional programs


Purpose: characteristics of typical educational and professional training programs for bachelors in specialty 014.11 (Physical Culture) in order to form students' readiness to prevent conflicts in professional activities.
Methodology: analysis of scientific sources with the subsequent generalization and systematization of its results in order to justify the definition of the readiness of future physical education teachers to prevent conflicts in professional activities as a target of professional training; analysis of educational and professional training programs for physical education teachers aiming to clarify the key features and trends in the formation of students' readiness for conflict prevention. The theoretical basis of the study is laid by the scientific statements of the competency approach.
Scientific novelty: It has been proved that it is currently relevant to research the traditions of forming the readiness of future physical education teachers to prevent conflicts in professional activities. The concept of «readiness of the future physical education teacher to prevent conflicts» has been clarified.
Based on the analysis of educational and professional training programs for students majoring in 014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Education) for the formation of readiness to prevent conflicts in professional activities, it has been found that the formation of this professional quality is a latent target of the educational process. At the same time, the analysis of the programs revealed a lack of consistency in the preparation of future physical education teachers for conflict prevention. The analysis of working curricula of disciplines showed that among their modules there are no those which would be focused on preparing students for action in conflict situations, and even fewer, for conflict prevention.
Conclusions: since in the educational process of students majoring in 014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Education) there is no purposeful focus on the formation of students' readiness to prevent conflicts, it is advisable to develop a structural and logical scheme of training future physical education teachers to prevent conflicts in professional activities. Current research materials can be used to develop or improve curricula and educational programs for bachelors specialty 014.11 Secondary education (Physical Education).

Author Biography

O. Zaitseva, Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University

Senior lecturer at the Department of Special Education
Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic National University
(Zaporizhia, Ukraine)


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