

professional thinking, professional reasonableness, research, self-critical activity, self-management


The article reveals the problem of conceptualizing the professional thinking of an individual and its significance for the development of a musician's self-critical activity. In this regard, a system of conceptual provisions has been developed, focused on the process of research and the formation of professional thinking in future musicians.
The purpose of the article: to characterize self-critical activity in the context of formation of critical and creative thinking of a musician and to outline the program of formation of his professional thinking.
The methodological basis of the study are experimental-phenomenological, personal-activity, existential-analytical approaches.
Scientific novelty of the article: As a result of the implementation of the research program and the formation of the professional thinking of a musician, the patterns of development of this thinking in future musicians were revealed.
The phenomenon of a musician's professional thinking consists in considering it as a system of generalized mental actions aimed at achieving the professional reasonableness of an individual on the basis of self-management of the student's self-critical activity. Self-critical activity of students is characterized as meaning-making and is presented in a self-affirming and self-correcting form. The research acts as a functional basis for self-critical activity, in the process of which critical and creative thinking of a musician develops. The formation of a musician's critical and creative thinking is conditioned by a system of generalized mental actions, which are: idea, judgment, inference, development of a strategy and tactics of relations created in the process of interaction with the subjects of musical research. The experimental-phenomenological approach to the formation and development of the musical thinking of an individual allows us to consider the generalized mental actions of a musician as value universals-phenomena that are revealed in the process of analyzing and generalizing the experience of researching this thinking. The system of generalized mental actions determines the essence and content of a musician's professional thinking, giving it a quantitative and qualitative characteristic.
The program for the formation of the professional thinking of a musician is implemented using the personal-activity approach, according to which the musician exercises self-management of his self-critical activities on the basis of individual autonomy and dialogical interaction in the course of a deliberative study of objects, subjects, facts, phenomena, circumstances of the development of musical art. Self-management of the research self-critical activity of the future musician takes place on the basis of an existential-analytical approach to this activity, when, in the course of the formation of students' professional thinking, the meaning of the mental actions they use, as well as the musical-theoretical study of the phenomena and processes of the development of musical art, is actualized.
Conclusions: The formation and development of the professional thinking of a musician depends on the level of mastering the value-methodological strategy and tactics of creating relations of an integral musical-theoretical research. The more consistent and appropriate were the goals and means of the developed strategies and tactics of relations, the higher was the level of formation of the professional thinking of the future musician.

Author Biography

G. Nagorna, The Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of Music and Composition Theory Department,
The Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music
(Odessa, Ukraine)


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