health orientation, health promotion, physical education, students of special medical groupsAbstract
The article, according to the purpose, analyzes the content of the physical education program for medically fragile students, which have to meet the state standard of education and have a clear humanistic and health orientation, promote harmonious personality development, the formation of a conscious need for health and physical improvement.
The methodology of the research. The results of the research are based on the application of the following methods: questionnaire, mathematical processing of the questionnaire results, systematization, generalization.
Scientific novelty. The results of questioning the teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Health of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University on the peculi-arities of the organization and conduct of physical education classes, assessment of the knowledge level, skills, and abilities that medically fragile students of pedagogical specializations should acquire during physical education classes.
Conclusions. The results of pedagogical activity show that the content of the educational process at the departments of physical education at higher education institutions with medically fragile students is improper and doesn’t meet today’s requirements. This requires teachers to have the necessary level of knowledge about the peculiarities of the organization and methods of conducting classes with students of special medical groups. One of the promising areas for improving physical education with students of special medical groups is the rational use of special tools and methods aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform motor actions and develop physical qualities to strengthen their health, increase physical development, and physical fitness. The historical, educational, rehabilitation, and recreational potential of badminton is an important factor in optimizing the system of physical culture and health work with students of higher education institutions, as badminton promotes positive motivation for regular physical activity and sports, life and active life skills.
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