

conflictological competence, the structure of conflictological competence, components, functions, criteria, teachers of foreign languages


The paper deals with investigation of different contemporary approaches to the structure of conflictological competences, in particular among the teachers of foreign languages and differentiation to professional characteristics and personal qualities of specialists in the structure of conflictological competence was given. At modern stage of the development of conflictology it is relevant to generalize scientific approaches to the structure of conflictological competence.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure of the notion «conflictological competence» in scientific literature; to highlight the structural components of conlfictological competence as the factor of constant professional growth of the teachers.
Methodology is based on psychological and pedagogical theories that reveal conceptual approaches to the essence of conflictological competence and its structure.
Scientific novelty of the article explores the structure of conflictological competence as complex structurally functional system consisting of five connected components: cognitive; motivational; emotional-volitional; reflexive; behavioral.
Conclusions: The main functions of conflictological competence of the teachers were summarized: informational; regulatory; optimizational; reflexive; prophylactic. The following factors of formation of confllictological competence were substantiated: communicative potential, self-regulatory and individual-typological. The following criteria for classifying and evaluating the characteristics of conflictological competence have been singled out: the level of conscious choice of behavioral strategies in conflict situation; the level of conscious understanding of the necessity of changing destructive conflict into a constructive one, the absence of conflictophobea, understanding the importance of conflictological competence for future teachers, the desire to master conflictological competence at the highest level to be able to resolve conflicts in pedagogical process.

Author Biography

G. Polishchuk, Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Volodimir Vinnichenko

Ph,D. in Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor,
Assistant Professor of the Chair of the English Language
and its Teaching Methods
Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
named after Volodimir Vinnichenko
(Kropivnitsky, Ukraine)


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