

education, information system, learning programming, computer science olympiads, C programming language


The article describes the process of developing an information system for learning the basics of programming. Modern processes in society and education (acceleration of digitization processes, requiring wider use of distance and mixed learning tools, shift of emphasis in educational informatics from a user approach to learning programming) make the development of such a system temporary and necessary.

Aim. Create an information system for effective learning of initial programs, taking into account the recommended requirements for an information system for learning the basics of programming and recommendations for its development; creation of author’s content – content of the information system; ensuring the maximum possible support of the system and simplifying the method of updating, recording, deleting, correcting the information it contains; study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed product.

Methodology. Study and analysis of scientific publications, educational and methodical publications, information systems, selection of various tasks in informatics to place them in their own information system to reflect students’ work experience in high school, a systematic approach to teaching informatics.

Scientific newness. An information system was developed and its content was formed, based on the author’s materials of well-known scientists and coaches of the Ukrainian Olympic movement Oleksandr Mitsa and Serhiy Vapnichnyi.

Conclusion. The created resource is adaptive and cross-platform, available online. It is important that anyone can use it without registration. The content is multimedia in nature and includes text materials, images, videos, hyperlinks, etc. Links available in the system provide convenient access to a number of selected automated online verification systems. Data on well-known banks of programming problems are provided. Content search is organized in the system. Registered users can participate in the forum. An easy and convenient way to manage content is provided. The system was successfully applied in the process of teaching students of the Uzhhorod general education specialized boarding school with in-depth study of individual subjects (UGESBS), the Uzhhorod general education school I-III grade No. 6 named after Vasyl Stepanovych Grenji-Donsky, in the process of conducting student and winter summer programming schools . in the cities of Kremenchuk and Khust, during the training of students of the Uzhhorod National University and the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakotsi II, as well as at courses for improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers at the Khmelnytskyi Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education.


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