
  • T. Zhytomyrska PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Аssociate professor of the Department of «general scientific disciplines», Institute of the National University «Odesa Maritime Academy» Ukraine


Maritime Industry Manager, Training of Managers, Technical Culture, Maritime Management, Quality of Training of Managers of the Maritime Industry


The purpose of the article is to clarify the concept of technical culture of maritime industry managers; revealing the specifics of ensuring the formation of the technical culture of managers of the maritime industry in the conditions of continuous education and highlighting the results of the approval of the proposed model of this formation.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic and person-oriented approach to the analysis of pedagogical, managerial and technical literature and pedagogical experience on issues of pedagogical support for the formation of the technical culture of managers of the maritime industry. The work uses a multi-level systematic analysis of scientific sources, which is based on philosophical, general scientific and partly scientific and specific scientific
levels of knowledge.
The scientific novelty consists in establishing the main approaches to the formation of the technical culture of managers of the maritime industry and experimental verification of the effectiveness of the methods of their implementation.
The article reveals the essence and content of the concept of technical culture of managers of the maritime industry, considers the creation of a system of pedagogical support for the training of managers of the maritime industry in the modern conditions of the operation of this industry with the help of building a model of the formation of technical culture of managers of the maritime industry. Under the pedagogical support of the process of forming the technical culture of managers of the maritime industry based on the use of the model proposed by us, we mean a joint pedagogical activity thought out in every detail, a set of methods, techniques, methods, steps, the sequence of which ensures the process of formation and development of systemic personality properties.
The content of the article made it possible to come to the conclusion that the system of pedagogical support for the formation of the technical culture of managers of the maritime industry in the conditions of continuous education developed by the author is a complete didactic system that allows effective, high-quality solving of pedagogical tasks, and can be used by teachers of maritime higher education institutions.


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