Physical education teacher, inclusive competence, formal education, non-formal education, informal educationAbstract
New Ukrainian School needs qualified, effective teachers who are capable of constant professional development, lifelong learning and self-improvement, that’s why demands of the teacher’s qualification are changing, especially the demands of Physical education teacher. The article considers the issue of actualization of the problem of providing general secondary education institutions by Physical education teachers who have professional competencies of the new level.
The purpose of the scientific work consists of searching the possible ways of Physical education teachers’ inclusive competence formation to practice their skills in accordance with demands of the actual professional standard of «Teacher of general secondary education institution».
The methodological basis is formed by the theoretical analysis and the synthesis of scientific, normative and legal sources on the professional competence of pedagogical staff; the learning and research of psychological and pedagogical experience on the formation of the inclusive competence of Physical education teachers of general secondary education institutions.
The scientific novelty. The demands of the actual professional standard of «Teacher of general secondary education institution» and the possibility of providing the professional development of the teacher in conditions of modern education are applied in the article. The data of similar researchers aren’t represented in the specialized sources and periodicals until this time.
Conclusions. The modern school needs qualified teachers who are capable of executing their professional and pedagogical functions successfully and effectively in conditions of inclusive and educational spheres. The postgraduate education of teachers of general secondary education institutions is a basis of providing the formation of inclusive competence. Due to the effective combination of different kinds of formal and informal education the mentioned issues of the formation and improvement of the inclusive and professional competence of Physical education teacher can find its arrangement and can facilitate the professional becoming of Physical education teacher. However, in our opinion, the most optimal becoming is the combination of traditional courses to increase the qualification in the postgraduate education institution that provides practical and oriented learning.
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