
  • M. Stoliar Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7643-3027
  • K. Bohun PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Senior lecturer of the Department of Law, Philosophy and Political Science, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6924-2452


practical, interactive learning methods, subject of methodical activity, educational game


The article analyzes the main methods of teaching the course «History and theory of foreign culture» on the topic «Ancient Greek culture of the archaic era». In the content of the work, the main attention is paid to the specification of visual forms of learning, which serve as the basis of the interactive method.
The purpose of the work: the authors of the article aim to reveal the content and forms of the main teaching methods, which in their totality and interaction create an opportunity for the most effective, creative and discursive mastering of the topic «Ancient Greek culture of the archaic era» from the subject «History and theory of foreign culture». This course is taught at the T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium» for master’s students of specialty 034 «Cultural Studies».
Methodology. Cultural hermeneutics and structuralism are the leading methodological practices used in the study of the topic. In particular, cultural hermeneutics helps to abstract from the semantics, symbolism and values of the modern world and get used to a different cultural environment, in which important factors are a fundamentally different chronotope, faith in fate, a specific understanding of moral virtues, etc. Such general scientific research methods as analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis of early and late archaic artifacts, etc. are also used.
Scientific novelty. The article reveals and details for the first time a collection of such methodical means of studying a specific cultural period of antiquity (the culture of Ancient Greece during the archaic period) as the production of visual aids, interactiv games, exercises; the concept of «cultural constructor» was introduced as a form of interactive visualization in classes on the history and theory of foreign culture.
Findings. As a leading practical method, the article proposes a visual method; the main methodical artifacts of the topic – carriers of visual information – are listed. These artifacts are divided into three groups depending on the subject of methodical activity: 1) those offered by the lecturer; 2) made by students; 3) formed by the lecturer and students in the process of common work on the topic. The second and third groups of artifacts are formed by interactive methods, the content of which is a creative dialogue between a lecturer and a master’s student, as well as the interaction of master’s students with each other.
The authors of the article also offer specific game forms of studying the topic and believe that it is the game that allows the lecturer to assess objectively the knowledge and skills of the master’s students in the most favorable creative and relaxed atmosphere.


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