
  • О. Zlobina Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social-Humanitarian and Fundamental Disciplines, Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy», PhD student of T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


Naval Forces, naval officer, professional training, higher military educational institution, war, training content


The strategic goal of defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in the conditions of the aggressive imperial aspirations of the leadership of the Russian Federation logically determine the urgent need to strengthen the state’s defense capabilities, including in terms of professional training of highly professional modern personnel officers for all types of troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The improvement of this training of naval officers (is significantly complicated due to several reasons: 1) the conduct of full-scale military operations in the territory of the East and South of Ukraine and the permanent threat of missile attacks, including on educational institutions of the naval profile (primarily, in Odessa); 2) significant losses of warships, boats and auxiliary vessels, as well as bases, military equipment and weapons since 2014, which affects the level of practical training and education of naval specialists. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine promising directions for improving the training of naval officers in the conditions of their training in higher military educational institutions and military educational units of higher education institutions, taking into account military realities.
Analysis of the broad context of the training content of this category of officers showed that one of the ways to improve it is a systematic review and update of three components of the educational process: the purpose of training, the internal meaningful content of training and educational means of training.
First, the real combat experience of Ukrainian tactical and operational commanders, as well as the similar generalized experience of NATO, shows the need to expand and supplement the expected competence with leadership qualities, high initiative and flexibility in making management decisions to achieve effective operational interoperability with other units. Secondly, in the conditions of conducting a 4th generation military confrontation, it is critically necessary to train future naval officers in the basics of modern surface, underwater and coastal defense tactics using the latest ship systems and weapons (including unmanned ones). Thirdly, NATO’s advanced educational experience needs wide implementation.
The content of the article made it possible to reach the following conclusions: a promising general direction of improving the professional training of future naval officers of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a broad revision and updating of the content of their training. With: at the level of the training goal – it is advisable to expand and supplement the expected competence with leadership qualities, high initiative and flexibility in making managerial decisions in the mode of real combat operations, achieving operational interoperability with other units and relevant measures in the educational process aimed at their formation and development; at the level of the internal meaningful content of training – to supplement the theoretical component of training with a deep systematic study of the basics of modern naval confrontation using the latest ship systems and weapons (including unmanned ones), as well as the tactics of conducting surface, underwater and coastal defense in conditions of war 4 th generation; at the level of educational means of learning – it is necessary to implement the relevant experience of NATO, especially in the part of implementing the methodology of global programming.


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