
  • Yu. Kovbasa PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Associate Professor at the Department of Professional Education and Life and Activity Safety, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
  • T. Kovbasa PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Professional Education and Life and Activity Safety, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


educational discipline content, educational discipline of safety, modernization of educational content, safety, danger


Historically, courses on the safety of human life in everyday life and at work, maintenance of physical and psychological health and high working capacity of a person, and identification of the risks of hazards were not popular among students and developers of educational programs and curricula. There are many reasons for this state of affairs: the improvement of people’s lives, the significant progress of technology that has brought production, medicine, agriculture, and other areas to a new, safer level, the reduction of criminal pressure, the increase of incomes of the general population, etc. That is, for many residents of Ukraine, the situation of threats to their personal physical and psychological state had a constant tendency to decrease. This had the effect of reducing the motivation to master the content of safety disciplines.
Extraordinary events started on February 24, 2022. The armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine changed the motivation for the formation and development of security competence. Protection of life and preservation of health, maintenance of the necessary level of work capacity, knowledge and use of means of protection against physical and informational dangers, and provision of first medical (pre-medical) aid have become practically basic for the Ukrainian population that has been subjected to armed aggression by the forces of the Russian Federation (shelling, bombing, encirclement, occupation, evacuation). Based on the stated importance of safety disciplines, these courses should be in all educational and professional programs as mandatory regulatory disciplines.
As part of our research, a retrospective analysis of the study of issues of life safety and human activity in higher education in Ukraine was carried out. Positive and negative aspects of the content of the specified educational disciplines were determined. The feasibility of modernization was substantiated, and changes in the content of safety disciplines were proposed based on forecasting the development of the greatest dangers during military operations and the post-war situation in Ukraine.
The purpose of the research is to determine directions and approaches for the content modernization of education safety disciplines in the conditions of modern challenges. The research methodology was based on philosophical statements about an objective approach to the analysis of the pedagogical facts, processes, and phenomena, systemic and activity approaches in education, and the position of the scientific theory of knowledge regarding the interrelationship and interdependence of historical-pedagogical phenomena. Research methods were chosen in accordance with the fundamental principles of scientificity, systematicity, objectivity and integrity, ideas, and attitudes, which are highlighted in the state regulatory legal acts of Ukraine on education issues. This made it possible to obtain reliable and substantiated scientific results. The scientific novelty of the article is to substantiate the directions and approaches of the content modernization of educational disciplines, which form and develop students’ competencies in the safety of life and activity.
Conclusions. The problem of the content modernizing of educational disciplines on the safety of life and human activity is urgent. There is a need to introduce significant changes in the content of safety educational disciplines. As one of the main directions, the authors of the study substantiate the approach of these courses to the realities of the present and the near future with the aim of forming among the students the necessary competencies of safe and health-preserving behavior in the everyday life conditions, at work, and in emergency situations.


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