pandemics, distant learning, students, way of life, fatigue, healthAbstract
Objective. Due to the threat of coronavirus infection spread the majority of universities and colleges followed the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine and introduced distant learning through an electronic educational environment and correspondent information technologies. All the classes – lectures, practical classes as well as laboratory works (virtual labs) – were conducted in distant mode. As a result, students started to spend the major part of their time indoors, in front of a computer. This fact brought an urgent necessity to study the influence of distant learning technologies on the students’ health and their way of life under the
Methodology. The article presents the survey results held among the students of T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv colehium» concerning the influence of different modes of education on definite components of their way of life under pandemics.
Scientific Innovation. The authors studied and analyzed the tendency of changes in particular components of students’ way of life (daily regime, rest, sleeping time, nutrition and physical activity) during online mode at the full-time department. The obtained results were estimated from the point of view of medicine and hygiene.
Conclusions. The scientific research proves that the daily regime, nutrition and physical activity of the majority of the students during online studying at the full-time department do not satisfy medical-hygienic norms. Meanwhile, some positive tendencies were observed regarding some of the components, particularly increased sleeping time – which is close to hygienic norms, stabilized sleeping regime and nutrition – in terms of correct calories’ distribution and the number of daily meals. However, the following components are stated to have been negatively influenced, namely physical activity – the decrease in general physical activity and decrease in time spent outdoors.
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