

digitalization of education, digital transformation, organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of education, informational educational technologies


The article considers various aspects of digitalization of higher education as an organizational and pedagogical condition for improving the quality of education. It is argued that scientific and technological development has not only failed to solve the problems of the education system due to traditional problems of content, meaning, but also created new ones caused by changes in social relations. First of all, it is a crisis of intellectual culture, caused by the destruction of humanistic traditions, changing the nature of social communications, the separation of students from social reality.

However, the advantages provided by the balanced introduction of digitalization in the pedagogical process determine its rapid spread and provide a growing impact on the entire educational process. Today, digitalization is one of the factors (conditions) that provide a solution to a multifaceted problem: improving the quality of the educational process in the education system.

The aim: To clarify the importance of digitalization, to analyze its place and role in the system of education of the Free Economic Zone as an organizational and pedagogical condition for improving the quality of education.

Research methodology. Analysis, generalization and synthesis of various aspects of the concept of «digitalization of education», Systematization, analogy and specification of theoretical information on the impact of digitalization of education on the educational process of free education.

Scientific novelty. The influence of digitalization as an organizational and pedagogical condition on the educational process of university is specified.

Conclusions. Digitization is part of a more general process – digital transformation, which comes to the fore, both in education and in society and becomes a leading organizational and pedagogical condition in all parts of the education system, but the introduction of any new technologies, including digital – is a long process and carries a lot of unknown challenges and dangers to humanity.

Author Biography

A. Guraliuk, Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after V. A. Sukhomlinsky

ResearcherID: AAG-5328-2020
Scopus ID: 57222146343
Candidate of pedagogical sciences (Ph.D.), senior researcher;
Head of ICT and Scientometrics Sector of the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library
of Ukraine named after V. A. Sukhomlinsky
(Kyiv, Ukraine)


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