advertising printing products, design, institution of higher education (HEI), applicant, calendar, posterAbstract
The article reveals the role of the design of polygraphic advertising and information products in the choice of school by graduates – future applicants – a higher education institution for further education and mastering a certain profession. The results of a school graduates’ survey are presented regarding the factors that influence their choice of HEI, and the place of printing products in this choice, its relevance for young people at the current stage. Most of our attention is focused on the design features of such types of printing as a corporate calendar and an advertising poster.
The purpose of the article is studying peculiarities of the perception’s polygraphic advertising and information products of HEI and its influence on the choice of an educational institution by modern applicants and, based on this, identifying recommendations for the development of such products’ effective design.
Research methodology: scientific publications’ analysis and experience on the topic of research, survey of school graduates, its interpretation and results’ generalization, drawing up recommendations. The scientific novelty consists in identifying influencing factors of polygraphic advertising and information products of HEI on the choice of modern applicants.
Conclusions. Advertising and information printed products of a higher education institution – flyers, posters, booklets, brochures, postcards, calendars, business cards – despite the significant predominance of electronic advertising in modern conditions, remains an effective and efficient means of informing applicants and attracting them to studying. Bright creative design, psychologically well-constructed composition, informativeness, using of current design trends, implementation of the latest printing technologies and computer graphics significantly increase the attractiveness of this polygraph’s type, remains with the applicant for a long time, providing a constant reminder and can positively influence the choice of this particular educational institution. According to the results of our research, the most attractive and often used by applicants is the advertising corporate calendar and the information poster (the latter can be in printed and electronic form).
Characteristics of good poster design. URL : (дата звернення 23.06.2022)
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