
  • V. Anishchenko Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Humanitarian Sciences, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service
  • N. Razumeyko PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of education and the Humanities, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service


military education, interactive teaching methods, competence, professional competence, readiness for professional activity


The world is changing in all walks of life. Today, in the context of Russian aggression, special changes are needed that affect the level of territorial integrity and security, protection of the people of Ukraine, which, in turn, necessitates a review of the military education system, training of security and defense officers in Ukraine.
The key role in ensuring the protection and defense of the state in both peacetime and wartime, armed conflicts and other emergencies depends on the professional competence and readiness of officers of the security and defense sector of Ukraine. Their professional competencies are knowledge, skills, abilities of military and law enforcement, prevention of emergencies and overcoming their certain consequences are acquired while studying in higher educational institutions and contribute to the formation and development of their professional competence.
The purpose of the article is to identify the main interactive teaching methods that effectively influence the professional competence formation of officers of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
The methodology is based on modern provisions of pedagogy, psychology and law sciences, reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to the study of the formation process of professional competences of officers of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. The performed researches allowed to reveal the main approaches to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for solving tasks of different levels of complexity in the professional activity of officers of the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
Conclusions. The author of the article made a comprehensive analysis of the main ways of reformation of higher military education system, basic requirements for professional qualities of officers of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, areas of interactive teaching methods to form their professional competence in accordance with the latest requirements. The results of the study allowed to make the conclusion – the emphasis in the educational process of training military officers in the security and defense sector of Ukraine should be made on the application of interactive teaching methods. Due to the spread of interactive teaching methods, security and defense officers develop a high level of professional competence by increasing the level of resilience of self-motivation to activity, development of creativity, flexibility, tolerance, critical thinking on analysis, synthesis and testing of algorithms, self-improvement of different complexity and exchange it, the ability to apply their psychological knowledge for stability and validity of actions in critical situations, skills of managerial decision-making and willingness to take responsibility for them, skills to create a barrier-free professional environment within different types of professional activities, which are managerial and organizational, legal, administrative and economic, regime and operational (combat), pedagogical and educational activities.


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