
  • T. Belan PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor of Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Methodology of Technological Education, T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


teacher, value, value orientations, professional and pedagogical values


The goal of the work. Definition and theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions of formation of professional and value orientations for future teachers of professional training in the educational process.
Methodology. The following research methods were used to solve the goal: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical sources, official and normative documents; comparison and generalization of scientists ‘views on the problem) and empirical (observation of students’ educational process).
Scientific novelty. The article clarifies the essence of the concept of «professional value orientations». It is emphasized that the formation of professional and value orientations of future teachers of vocational training provides the necessary and sufficient set of interrelated activities, pedagogical conditions in the educational process, compliance with which ensures the achievement of the desired result. It is also noted that the pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional and value orientations can be created in the educational process by teachers, improving, first of all, the developed disciplines. Emphasis is placed on pedagogical conditions that can contribute to the formation of professional and value orientations of future teachers of vocational training in the process of professional training in educational institutions.
Conclusions. Professional and value orientations are the basis of professionalism of the individual and create the foundation of professional culture of the teacher. Therefore, professional and value orientations of students should be formed in the learning process and contribute to the success of future professional activities, namely: awareness of values and importance of future professional activities, values of the result, values of the decision, values of finding and using information for effective performance of professional activities, values of professional development, mobility, flexibility, values of teamwork, values of life.


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